Friday, August 2, 2019

Juliet is one Week Old!

Forest helped with the sign;)

Juliet turned one week on Sunday. It feels way longer than that! She's such a good baby. Like, I'm hesitant to talk about it because I don't want to jinx it, and I know that at some point babies 'wake up', but it's been such a stark contrast to our experience with Forest, who skipped the 'sleepy newborn' phase altogether. As many have told me regarding Forest- he's a hard kid to have first. Hence the 5 year age gap. We are still getting to know Miss Juliet but my first impressions are that she is quiet, observant, and likes to sleep. 

She hardly cries at all and is fairly easily soothed if she does get fussy. When she's awake, she is very alert, and hones in on certain things in her environment. 

1 week milestones: Rolling over front to back (3 days). Lifting head and turning to the side. Making eye contact. Tracking objects with her eyes. Turning head towards a voice. She's a strong girl. Most newborns have a crawling reflex to help in delivery and nursing, but Juliet can newborn crawl the length of her activity mat (though it may take a few minutes). Tummy time is already a serious workout for this girl. And I don't like to talk about fight club but just for documentation purposes, Little J is sleeping two 4-6 hour stretches at night (knock on every scrap of wood in the house) with me waking her up to nurse. 

We feel very blessed by this addition to our family and are praising God that his plans are better than ours. 

***Edited to add- so I got a little sidetracked posting this and Juliet turns 2 weeks tomorrow. She's starting to 'wake up' but still sweet and calm and easy to please. I'll try to get her 2 week post up in a more timely manner!

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