Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Juliet 1 month/5 weeks!

In true second child fashion, we are running a bit late on these weekly/monthly posts. Here's just a snapshot of life at 1 month:
Weight: 7 lbs 10 oz (4th percentile- woohoo out of bottom 3rd!)
Length: 20.6 inches (19th percentile)
Head Circumference: (I forget measurement but it was about 7th percentile which was significantly up from below 3rd percentile at birth).
Size: Finally fitting well into newborn clothes from smaller fitting stores (Carter's, Old Navy). Can fit into *some* Old Navy 0-3 month outfits (like she's wearing in her 1 month photos). 
Missing a letter in her name...again, second child problems. 

They are still big on her but don't swallow her. She has outgrown newborn Luvs diapers and is now in Size 1. Thai diapers are huge though! She still doesn't fit into their newborn size. Which is hilarious because Thai babies are not known for being enormous or anything. Luckily we bought a few economy size boxes of Luvs size 1 and 2 to put in our baby shipment. 

-Rolls from tummy to back
-Braces legs to stand if upper body supported. I showed Forest that she could stand and he said 'Yea but you're helping her.' Sibling rivalry starting early! 
-Can lift head and upper torso off the ground during tummy time (though mostly she just lazily lays there and then starts fussing or simply rolls over because she HATES tummy time).
- Smiles:) Smiles a lot after a full meal. Girl loves her milk.

- Cooing and squealing. So nice when they learn to communicate using something other than a wailing cry. 
- Tracks movement with her eyes and turns head to follow a sound or person walking in the room. 

She's only a month old so we are still winging it somewhat. We are loosely following Babywise principles and she seems to be doing well on a 3ish hour schedule. So in general our days look little bit like feed, wake/play, nap on a 2.5-3 hour loop. 
She's a better napper than Forest, but her nighttime has completely fallen apart over the past week. She was sleeping AMAZING (6-8 hour stretches every night) until she turned 4 weeks. Now she sleeps anywhere from 3-5 hours during her initial stretch and then is up every 2-3 hours after that until morning. Maybe once a week she's 'sleeping through'(6+ hours), which is better than nothing! 

I'm trying to start her day at 8 which gives me time to dash off to kindergarten drop off and get back in time to feed her. I leave her with our amazing nanny during that time. So on a good day our schedule looks like:

8- Wake up and feed, go down for a nap around 9:30.
11- Feed, nap around 12.
2- Feed (Nanu (our nanny) usually takes this one since I'm picking up Forest and carting him to whatever after school things he's doing), nap around 3.
5- Feed- Nanu takes for a stroller nap while we eat dinner.
8- Feed and *try* to put down for bed. Sometimes she doesn't sleep between about 7-9:30. 
9:30/10- Dream feed or last feed of the day. 

She *was* sleeping 10-5ish but now she's waking at 2ish and 4:30ish. I don't know where we went wrong or how to fix it. Help me, Jesus! 

Likes: A full tummy, walks in the stroller, her soothe & glow seahorse, art cards and staring at book covers. 

Dislikes: She has a love/hate relationship with the swaddle, Paci, and baby-wearing apparatuses. 
She hates any technique touted by "The Baby Whisperer" as guaranteed to soothe your baby (or, you know, possibly make them scream as if their limbs are being ripped off). Also, tummy time is not her favorite. Neither is bath time. So even though there are lots of similarities between my two kiddos, these things are very different between her and Forest (who despite being a grumpy colicky newborn 100% loved baby wearing, tummy time, pacis, swaddling, and bathtime). 

My biggest challenges: Nursing. Its going better with Juliet than it ever did with Forest but I just hate it. And she's not gaining stellar weight so I'm constantly paranoid about how much she's getting and how often. Plus her latch SUCKS (pun intended) which is painful for yours truly. I don't have easy access to an English speaking lactation consultant here in the Burbs of Bangkok but I'm working on improving her latch. I'm not one of those super gung-ho breast feeders with lofty goals of making it to a year. I'd love to make it to 3 months for her second round of shots, but 8 weeks is my main goal. One day at a time. 

Also, sleep deprivation is a challenge. Duh. We are soooooo fortunate to have a great helper. After I bring F to school she usually says 'give me the monitor and go rest.' Yes Ma'am! 

My biggest rewards: Juliet was an early smiler. That's such a reward in itself. One of the best milestones, for sure. 
I also love when she rests her velvety head against my chest and falls asleep. With baby #2 I understand that everything is a phase, and even though the newborn gig is not my favorite, I think 'what I would give to go back and hold Forest this way for just a minute!'. I'm able to soak it in more with Juliet and not stress so much (though I still stress!). 

I also love seeing Forest be a big brother. He's matured a lot over the past 6 months and is just the sweetest little boy. He loves his sister and gushes over how cute she is. 
This morning I reminded him he had tennis after school and he said "But I'll be gone 7 hours!?!?! Baby will miss me too much. She'll be wondering where her big brother is."

Other Observations: Juliet is very alert and awake, just like Forest. In general, she is quiet and calm and just appears to be taking it all in. Her biggest smiles come after a good feed and a good nap. Me too, sister. Me too. 

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