Saturday, October 1, 2016

It's Fall! (Sorta)

These may look like summer temps to 90% of you, but to those in Houston, you know this is a beautiful thing!
I remember the first warm front after moving from Scotland to California. We put shorts on Forest for the first time and called it a milestone. 

I had a similar feeling on Friday when it was cool enough for him to wear jeans to preschool. 

It was the first time he'd worn pants since we left San Ramon. You could tell the sensation was different to him and he said, 'these cover up my boo-boos". Ha! His pants cover up his constantly battered and bruised shins while my jeans cover my cellulite and unshaved legs. Either way, we have survived the most brutal part of Houston's summer, and although I know that's not the last we've seen this season of 90 degree heat and 100% humidity, it sure does feel good to have shorts season mainly behind us! It also feels great to walk to the park without getting dehydrated.



  1. We went on our first outing today and I wore jeans :) it was so nice out!!

  2. Are you planning on a second child?

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.
