Thursday, April 30, 2015

Look Who's Talking: 18 Months!

Well, it happened. My baby turned 18 months old. He is officially a toddler, though, let’s be honest, he’s been mostly toddler for the past few months. He is quickly outgrowing his 24 Month clothes and wears size 8 shoes. He can beat me in a foot race, say over 60 words, and go up and down stairs without my assistance. 
I thought year 1 was dynamic, but year 2 is bringing its fair share of changes as well. The adventures into independence are both rewarding and challenging as a parent. In some ways, babies are pretty straight forward and you can control most of what they do, eat, wear. But as time ticks on, Forest’s main goal seems to be to test every limit and to challenge every rule. It’s exhausting work but it helps that he is as sweet as pie and as cute as a button. 
Well that’s enough from me. I’ll have my turn next week when I post my 18 month summary. For now I will turn the post over to guest blogger, Forest Alexander. 
Hiya guys. How’ve ya been? I’ve been alright. So-so. Up and down. My mom says I’m a tad bi-polar, but I’m pretty sure that’s just part of the toddler package. Here’s the scoop. 

1) Ear infections. I am just recovering from my first major ear infection and wowza, it was painful. I was pretty miserable but don’t worry, I made sure to take everyone down with me with my night wakings, short naps, hunger strikes and round the clock temper tantrums. Just a really fun time all around.   
2) The Gym Daycare. It used to be alright but now I usually demand that the workers go find my parents to bring me home after about an hour or so. Sorry mom- your “me time” has expired. 

3) Food. Just in general. It’s not easy to eat when your ears are aching and you’re constantly sprouting new teeth. Lately I’ve been on a strict milk and mac n cheese diet. My mom has been in a frenzy reading everything she can on how to avoid picky eating. French kids might eat everything, but last time I checked I was American so get that sushi roll off of my tray table before I toss it to the dog. 

1) Swim Class.  
Finally a place where my fearlessness is applauded and celebrated! My mom even puts me underwater, let’s me go and I get to swim up to the surface all on my own. And my momma actually encourages me to jump from the wall of the pool into her arms. But for some reason when I try to jump to her from the top of the jungle gym she is not as enthused. Whatevs. Women are confusing. 

2) Giving my mom a heart attack. By jumping off the top of jungle gyms, mostly. Oh man, when I pull this stunt you should see her face. Priceless. 

3) Cars. Big cars, small cars. Play cars, real cars. Tractors, Diggers, Mail trucks, Mini Vans. I love them all. But I especially love this Step 2 toddler sized push car that I’m borrowing from my buddy Ryan. 
I love going for ‘drives’ through the neighborhood and honking my horn at all the pups I see. 
The only issue is when my mom insists we take the stupid stroller or ride in her car instead. Trust me, I let her know very loudly how ridiculous I find this arrangement. 
Alright folks, that’s about the jist of it. See you in a month. 

He's very cooperative with these photo sessions. (Sarcasm)

 P.S. I don’t know how much longer I will need to help Forest with these guest posts. I asked him what things he loves and he said: ‘Cars, Thomas, Cheese, Daddy’. I was so impressed that I couldn’t even be bothered to take it personally that ‘momma’ didn’t make his favorites list…(sniff, sniff).

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