Friday, April 17, 2015

Easter Jammies Photo Shoot

It's a little late, but my mom got Forest the cuuuuuteest Easter Bunny PJs complete with a personalized stuffed bunny who is wearing matching adorable pajamas. 
A bit of cuteness overkill, dontcha think? 

F wore these jammies on Easter Sunday but in the rush to get all packed and headed home from Napa, there just wasn't time for a proper photo shoot. This week I decided to rectify that and did a little formal shoot with Forest the bunny and Forest the baby. The resulting cuteness is borderline obnoxious. 

Sometimes the only way to get him to sit still is to offer my lens cap as a teething apparatus.

And sometimes I just embrace the wiggliness.

A few tears. He really hates sitting still.

Wait---I have permission to stand up on the furniture? Big smiles!

The pointed toe. I can't even. It's too much.
Cute PJs ordered from Chasing Fireflies. Photos edited using The Coffee Shop Blog's Luminous Color Burst Photoshop action.


  1. Great job on pics and sharing!

  2. Could you have a cuter subject to photograph? He is such a ham and so stinkin cute!!!
