Monday, August 24, 2020

School in Thailand

It seems that globally schools are in quite a fluid predicament. Thailand was super conservative in closing schools at the hint of an outbreak and not reopening until our community spread was basically zero. They actually allowed international schools to reopen the week that Forest's Kindergarten year ended anyway, so there was no return after March 6. 

He began 1st grade on August 13 and seems to be loving it, despite complaining about the all day mask requirement. I was a bit surprised that they are requiring masks during PE and recess since I'm pretty sure WHO and CDC have come down on the side of 'that's a bad idea'. But the rules and restrictions are constantly adjusting so we will see if there is any relaxation in the coming weeks (edit- they can now take their masks off in PE during the actual activity but must wear during any instruction time and may take their masks off if playing on the soccer fields at recess- but not on the playground equipment). 

Forest's school messed up big time last term in misinterpreting one of the government regulations and since they didn't follow it, we had to close for 2 weeks and by the time that period was over, schools were closed across the country. I am fairly sure that ISB is now being super-duper careful and since the Thai government hasn't said anything other than 'masks are required at school', they are really following that to the letter, even though other schools in our area are more laxed about it. 

The Thai government has also relaxed social distancing rules, but ISB is sticking pretty firmly to that as well. The music teacher posted a video in which they are all in their taped off boxes and wearing masks. 

Because of their cautious approach, we are very worried that Thailand will shut down at any sign of local spread, sort of like Auckland, New Zealand. So we are very grateful for the freedoms and safety we currently enjoy but are also anxious that it could all abruptly be taken away. The borders are closed here so we can't visit the US without jumping through crazy hoops to return. Being cut off from family and the USA is such an unpleasant feeling. We just pray every day that nothing tragic happens while we are stuck over here and even though it's such a mess in the US I think we'd jump at the chance to re-patriate. 

I think this Covid-19 stuff has spoiled any remaining innocence or naivety I had remaining regarding how adventurous and romantic an ex-pat assignment might be. We appreciate our experiences and the opportunities they've afforded to us, but will surely be hesitant to accept another job that keeps us separated from our family and country by an undrivable border anytime soon. It's already a situation where you give up so much control and comfort and this has ratcheted it up a notch (or 20). 

But back to Forest... I haven't been allowed on campus so his first day he had to navigate the new thermo-scan turnstiles on his own and a teacher's aid led all the 1st graders to their classes. Since then he hops out of the car/golfcart, easily and confidently heads onto campus and then beelines for the playground until the bell rings. (Unless he forgets his wristband to activate the turnstiles. Then it's panic attack city. Mom fail.)

I preemptively warned his teacher that he may display some anxiety and drastic shyness but she let me know that hasn't been the case at all. From videos that have been posted it looks like for the first time ever he is letting his energetic and boisterous personality show. One thing they did this year was to keep the classes intact, so all of Forest's kindergarten classmates are in the same 1st grade class. I think this was HUGE for him in being able to come right out of his shell from the get go. 

He's been such a happier kid since school has resumed and we are praying hard that it remains in person. Like I said, we assume that even if there is a modest outbreak of cases in Thailand, things will switch back to a virtual format. Until then, we are appreciating the heck out of school and not taking one single day for granted.

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