Monday, February 4, 2019

So Much to Say

A lot has happened in the past month of living in Bangkok, andour air shipment FINALLY arrived which means I have my computer. Yay! 

Our internet is spotty (randomly disconnects despite having a good signal) and I've realized that when blogging on my new Mac it doesn't actually display pictures (quickly remembering why I swore off Apple computers 10 years ago) so I still have some kinks to work out but fully plan to start blogging again regularly very soon.

For now here's just a group of random updates about settling in here and first impressions. The ex-pat community here is great. People have been friendly and welcoming and eager to help us find our feet. The Thai people here are also friendly and despite a language barrier and very willing to assist us with a smile. They love children and Forest is an attention getter everywhere we go. Many people take his picture, a few touch his head, but it's all been good spirited and respectful. Especially in this area, the locals are pretty used to seeing western kids.

I had my first OBGYN appointment (oh yea- I'm pregnant with baby # 2!) and I was very impressed with the hospital, doctor, and facilities. Five star all the way, especially compared to Aberdeen. More on the whole 'pregnant in Thailand' (and 'pregnant in the first place') in a later post.

Forest is slowly adjusting to school. He's definitely had some hiccups in getting started, there have been way more tears than I ever expected, and he is showing anxious tendencies again, but in the past week he has started to easily leave my side in the mornings and runs off eagerly to play with friends, so I'm hopeful he is really turning a corner. The teachers frequently post videos of class time  and at first he was so reserved and looked completely shell shocked. The last video they posted he was leading the charge in a math small group and back to his bossy confident self. 

I definitely feel like Forest's social struggles have been such a lesson in faith for me. I have to constantly remind myself how the Lord has fought for him and not freak out anytime he slides backwards a little bit. I mean, we just moved across the world, away from a school where he was thriving, where his grandparents lived a mile away, where he loved his little soccer, tennis, swimming, and bible programs. We were happy and settled. Now the rug has been pulled out from under him. He's attending a huge, bustling school with lots of new rules, procedures, and accents, he's jumping in to brand new activities with brand new kids and navigating language and cultural barriers. 
Of course, ideally he would have adjusted right away without a hitch. That's what I hoped for, but is it what I expected? Not at all. Even his Prek teacher in Texas said 'You will probably see him regress, but don't worry, he'll get back to where he is now.' It's sad leaving behind a school who saw how far he had come and who celebrated milestones like him reading a story to the class in circle time (when he went a nearly year without uttering a word). But anyway, things are on an upswing so I'm hopeful that he'll keep gaining momentum socially and show everyone that bright and boisterous personality of his.
Driving in Asia is bonkers, so Jon's company helps us hire a driver. Our driver is incredible! He speaks great English and has been so helpful in translating for me when I need help doing things like buying air purifiers. We also have a golf cart which we use in our neighborhood and on a few of the surface streets just outside of our community. Several restaurants are within golf cart range, as is the mall. 
The mall has many American comforts such as McDonald's and Baskin Robbins and it also has a big grocery store and movie theater. There is also a big Ikea near us which is nice for storage stuff. 

We are hiring a live-in 'helper'. Helpers here provide an extra set of hands for cleaning, cooking, and child care. We've found a great fit and she'll start working full time in a week or so. For now she just works a few hours a few days a week while she finishes up with her previous family. I am mostly having her help with cleaning but once the baby is here I'm sure I'll need more assistance with child care. Forest loves her (and vise versa!) so that's pretty heart warming. 
It's not the same as having my parents nearby but it is helpful to have a sort of assistant. 

I've been a little shocked by the Air Quality issues here. There are many days when the air outside is 'hazardous' and they even cancelled school last week due to pollution. We're definitely not in Scotland anymore!

Ok, well that'll do for a quick update. I promise more to come in the near future!

1 comment:

  1. Asia air quality is not great during the dry season :( We loved our Blue Air Purifiers and were able to find replacement filters in Singapore and BKK. Did you pack some purifiers?
