Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Family Pictures Courtesy of Jennifer Wilhite

Pictures are very important to me. We move around so much that we tend to dispose of most sentimental possessions. Sometimes pictures are the one thing we keep so it’s important to me that we have professional pictures taken at least once a year. It just so happens that Forest’s birthday falls at the perfect time to have family photos taken in time for Christmas cards so we get special family pics in addition to his yearly photos. We had the talented Jennifer Wilhite meet us at a local park for this year’s session. Forest was having none of it and was so wild and uncooperative. Anytime he sees a camera these days he instantly turns his back. 
Luckily Jennifer brought along her son as an assistant and since he has a 2 year old little sister, he had several tricks up his sleeve for getting Forest to look towards the camera. 
Seriously, photographers who have to photograph toddlers are a special (and patient) group of people. When I saw the proofs I was amazed that she managed to capture so many sweet shots of our basically feral boy. I love how she embraced his wildness and really tried to honor his spirit in these portraits, while still managing to get a few perfectly posed pictures as well. Well done Jennifer and thank you!!! Here are a few more of our favorites, coming to a Christmas card near you! 

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