Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Look Who's Talking: 23 months!

I can’t believe I will have a 2 year old in a month from now. Well I can kind of believe it just because he’s acting and looking like a proper big boy these days. I just cannot get over how tall he is and I’m so thankful he got his daddy’s genes in that area. 
I often get asked:’ Is your husband really tall??’ when people find out how young he is. I guess it’s pretty obvious that particular attribute did not come from me! One lady in line behind me at Home Goods even had the gall to say: ‘He must look like his daddy.’ inferring that she couldn’t see any resemblance between us. 
So maybe he’s tall with blonde hair, but I still maintain that he has the Doublin nose! I think it’s funny that almost everyone says Forest is the spitting image of Jonathan EXCEPT for his parents who agree with me that there is a bit of my daddy in that handsome face. 
Well I’ve gone off on a proper tangent, haven’t I? I’ll pass the mic to Forest for his monthly guest post! 
Hiya guys. Let's jump right in, shall we?

1) Having to stop playing in order to eat. Unless lunch is a smoothie, then I’ll drop everything and come running. Otherwise you can expect a full on poltergeist tantrum if you try to sit me in my highchair. 

2) Having to stop playing to get my diaper changed. But I also rather dislike stopping playing in order to pee on the potty so I guess diapers are the lesser of two evils for now. Sigh. 
Wait, there is more to this potty thing than just playing on the iPad? Nevermind!

That’s about it for my dislikes other than the fact that I’m almost 2 so every once in awhile I have to shriek and throw a tantrum over the most random events- just keepin’ my momma on her toes. 


1) Football. 
Who knew there was more to watching TV than Daniel Tiger and Baby Einstein? 
I love Game Day and cheering on LSU, but my favorite part is for sure the chick-fil-a commercials. Pigskins, Cows, and sneaking chips and queso dip off my dad’s plate- what could be better than that? 

2) Walking/Running home from the park.  Especially down the big hill.
Since I’m pretty much over playground equipment, my parents have taken to just walking me up to the park in my stroller and then letting me make the ¾ mile trek home on my own two feet. 

I’ve rewarded them by being so tired that I “sleep in” til 7 AM so it’s really a win-win for everyone. 

3) My rain boots. 

Just because California is in a record setting drought doesn’t mean I can’t make a fashion statement. I also rather enjoy trying on my mom and dad’s shoes for size. 

4) Stuffed animals. I know I said that last month too but it’s worth mentioning again, in case any of you readers were thinking of sending me a birthday gift...

5) Building towers. 

I like building towers with traditional materials but, like any true artist, I can work with whatever supplies I have at my disposal. 
My mom can't even really get mad at me for playing with my food, since it generally involves making towers out of butternut squash and she's all about "fostering creativity" and "majoring in engineering", even at the expense of my nutritional health, apparently.

Alright folks, that’s me. See you next month for the final installment of my guest blog series. Catch ya on the flip side. 

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