Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Look Who's Talking: 9 months old

Y,all…I cannot believe I have a 9 month old!!! He’s officially closer to being a toddler than a newborn and he demonstrates this daily by exhibiting his various new skills. He loves pulling up on everything he can get his grubby hands on and easily cruises and crawls wherever he wants to go. 

Over the past week he has turned into a speed demon on all fours so I definitely have to be hyper vigilant about making sure he doesn’t get into anything dangerous. Here he is to give you a rundown of his current likes and dislikes. Please give a warm welcome to *9 month old* Forest Alexander! 
P.S. It's getting nearly impossible to take a good picture of this busy boy!
Hey guys! It’s good to be back blogging. I’ve had a very busy month of play groups, visitors, and working on my mobility. My new-found independence has led to some developing interests. My current likes and dislikes are as follows: 

1) My daddy. He's full of fun games and have y'all seen this guy throw a ball in the air? Hilarious!  
My biggest smile of the day is reserved for when my dada gets home from work at which point I follow him around like a puppy dog.  

2) Puppy dogs. Speaking of puppy dogs, I can’t get enough of Bailey and Samson, even though they don’t seem to feel the same. 
I will not be discouraged however, and persist in chasing  them around the house all day. For some reason, Bailey has taken to hiding under my mom's bed, whereas Sam just moves from one end of the couch to the other while I cruise after him. 
Mom just laughs and says at least we are both getting our exercise.  

3) Visitors. Sometimes I can get a little bored with my mom’s company day-in and day out. It’s nice to see some new faces every now and then. This month, my Nana and Pops came to visit and y’all already know how I feel about grandparents. They are probably the best thing ever invented.
Also, Miss Nary and Mr. Gerald came to visit last weekend. 
And my momma also took me on a road trip to have lunch with her super nice and super pretty BFF, Miss Talia, while she was visiting Napa. 
Of course they all loved me just as much as I loved them, but that goes without saying.  

4) Cheese! 
5) Or even better….Cheerios! 
All food is created equal but some foods are more equal than others. Cheerios would fall into this category for sure. Nom nom nom. 

6) FaceTime. As soon as I hear the ringing of an incoming call, I break into a sprint towards the iPad. 

7)Cruising. This is a much more efficient mode of transportation than army crawling. 
And I’ve been getting sooooo close to petting Samson! 

8) Splashing water. I’m not picky. I like to splash water in all sorts of places: the pool, the bath, the sink, the dog bowl, the toilet…

1) Stomach Bugs. So I finally have a month where I didn’t get a single tooth and instead I’m struck down by a stomach virus. Can’t a baby get a break? Sheesh! (Maybe my mom has a point that I should stay away from toilets and dog bowls….) 

2)Afternoon naps. I mean, I usually take a good morning nap, but my mom is just greedy-greedy and wants me to take a snooze in the afternoon as well. I always feel better once I wake up but falling asleep for my siesta is a drag and sometimes I boycott it altogether. 

3) Strangers, especially strange men. I’m a pretty social guy but lately I’m a bit picky about who I offer a smile too. I like my mom to be near me most of the time, especially when I’m meeting a bunch of new people. 

4) Waiting for my bottle in the morning. Anyone one else wake up a hungry monster? Meanwhile my mom is lollygagging changing my diaper, feeding the dogs, brewing a cuppa tea and I’m over here crying ‘Just give me the milk, woman!’. Once I’ve had my bottle I’m happy as a lark but before that, forget about it. I would not label myself a ‘morning person’ that’s for sure.

Alrighty folks, that's about all I have for y'all today. I've got some pretty important things to do like eat, poop, nap, and practice two-legged transportation. Two legs good, four legs bad. Yep, I sure did reference George Orwell's Animal Farm twice in this blog post. I'm not just a pretty face, my friends. Though indeed, I do have quite the pretty face. See for yourselves...

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