Monday, October 6, 2014

Walk, Forest, Walk

Last week, on his 11 month birthday, Forest took his first steps. Over the past week his balance, confidence and ambition have increased tremendously. He went from taking a hesitant 2 steps to toppling over after 10 or 12 because he got so excited that he broke into a run.

He still prefers crawling, but every day he is practicing his 2 legged mobility more and more. I think it's safe to say that pretty soon we will have a full time walker on our hands and it won't be long until those long awaited 'Run, Forest, run' jokes can come into play. Here are a few videos, which by the way, are almost impossible to take because baby boy is so distracted by iPhones! Also, please excuse the fact that I am wearing socks with burgundy UGG slippers....


  1. Such an amazing accomplishment for baby boy! Can't believe he's almost one and I still haven't met him yet:/ Next time we come stateside, we seriously need to meet up!!!!

  2. Way to go, little dude!!! Those first steps are so exciting. I wouldn't mind if it took Darcy a while longer to start walking, though--it's such a fun stage, but definitely a lot more work for mom, too ;-) Your Forest is darling! (It takes SUCH a conscious effort to not type two r's every time--I assume you have the same struggle if you comment on my blog about my Forrest!)
